Jumat, 15 November 2013

The Poem

Read the following poem!

Around the Year

In January the year just begins.
In February there’s a Valentine for everyone.
In March the winds can blow and blow.
In April spring comes and there’s no more snow.
In May the air is fresh and clean.
In June the grass is long and green.
In July the sun is high in the sky.
In August hot winds go blowing by.
In September we children go to school.
In October Halloween fun is the rule.
In November we have a day of Thanksgiving.
In December there’s holiday fun in giving.

After reading the poem, answer these questions.
1. How many cultural events are there in the poem?
2. What season is mentioned?
3. Describe the air in May.
4. How is the grass in June?
5. How is the sun in July?
6. How would you feel in August? What season do you think it is?
7. Why do you have ‘holiday fun in giving’ in December?
8. Which countries do you think experience those events?

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013


Present Perfect - Statements - Exercise

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect.

Example: I _____________ my father's car. (to wash)

Answer: I have washed my father's car.

1) Karen me an e-mail. (to send)
2) Dave and Pat the museum. (to visit)
3) I at the pet shop. (to be)
4) They already their rucksacks. (to pack)
5) Marcus an accident. (to have)
6) We the shopping for our grandmother. (to do)
7) I just my bike. (to clean)
8) Emily her room. (to paint)
9) Lisa and Colin to a concert. (to go)
10) My friends smoking. (to give up)

Regular verbs – Phrases

Simple Present
Simple Past
Present Perfect
she has washed
I plan
he worried
we needed
she smoked
he suffered
they have swapped
we have controlled
they preferred
she cried

Simple Present Perfect - Sentences - Exercise 2

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect. Mind the signal words (if given).

Example: I ______________ a new T-shirt. (just/to buy)

Answer: I have just bought a new T-shirt.

1) The students a flight to Vienna. (to book)
2) The cat a mouse. (just/to catch)
3) Jack and Brian this picture. (to draw)
4) He his friends. (already/to invite)
5) Julia a table with three columns. (to make)
6) My friends the Geography test. (to pass)
7) I the rabbits. (just/to feed)
8) The baby hedgehogs the water.They are sleeping now.
    (to   drink)
9) The teacher the keys, so he can't open the door. (to lose)
10) We the worksheets. (already/to download)

Sentences and questions in the Present Perfect - Exercise

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Present Perfect. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or questions.

Example: ____ you ______ the car yet? (to clean)

Answer: Have you cleaned the car yet?

1) Emma this film on TV. (not/to see)
2) How often she the office? (to phone)
3) the Millers yet? (to arrive)
4) John on a trip through Alaska. (not/to go)
5) they ever to New York? (to be)
6) Andy his sister's bike. (not/to repair)
7) What you in the kitchen? (to drop)
8) I a new laptop. (to buy)
9) Toby his blue pen? (to find)
10) The students their homework. (not/to forget)

Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Contoh Advertisement

Learn the following advertisement and answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the name of the company?
2. What product does the company sell?
3. Does it also offer service?
4. What kind of service does it offer?
5. What is the address of the company?
6. What do you think Jack DeYoung is?
7. Are there any special characteristics about the product and service that
    are mentioned in the advertisement?

Fill the blanks with words provided to complete the following advertisement.

We re-cover furniture. We make all types of chairs and tables.
Telephone: (0274) 893 673, Jl. Purwanggan 14, Yogyakarta

Find an advertisement from an English newspaper or a magazine. Discuss it with your friends. Here are some points to discuss:

1. What is the advertisement about?
2. Who makes the advertisement?
3. What is it offered?
4. What is the address?
5. What is the telephone number?
6. Is there anything that is eye-catching?
7. Is there anything that can get the readers to take action?

Complete the following advertisement

Jl. Ikan Lele Utara 23 Yogyakarta,
Phone: 0274 863533

Do you need a … in typing your documents? Come to …us.
We can help you not only in typing, …, scanning but also operating
any …in computer within 5 hours. It is …back guaranteed.

money       help        application        printing        see

Contoh Report Text

Read the text carefully


       Gorillas are the largest of all the primates. A male gorilla can be 180 centimeters
tall and can weigh 200 kilograms. Gorillas are very strong but they do not often fight. In fact they are peaceful animals.
       Gorillas live in small family groups of about 15. In a group there is one strong, older male, some young males, and a few females with their babies. They move slowly around a large area of jungle eating leaves and bushes.
       In some ways gorillas are very like humans. When they are happy, they laugh and wave their arms. When they are angry, they beat their chests. When they are sad, they cry. But they cry quietly, without any tears.
       Unfortunately, people hunt and kill gorillas. They also cut down and burn their trees. There are now only about 10,000 gorillas left in the world.

(Source : Abbs, Brian, et.all. Take Off, Student Book 2, p 68)

1. How tall can gorillas be?
2. How much can they weigh?
3. Do gorillas like fighting?
4. Where do they live?
5. Do gorillas usually live alone?
6. What do they eat?
7. What do gorillas do when they are happy? Sad? Angry?
8. How many gorillas are there left in the world?
9. Why are not there many left?

Elephants: The Amazing Animals

Elephants are the largest land animals on earth. They have the largest brains of any mammal. Elephants talk to each other. Researchers have discovered more than 50 different types of calls that they use to communicate with each other. Their trunks are strong enough to pick up trees but sensitive enough to pick up a flower. They use them as tools to sweep paths, to scratch themselves, to swat flies, and to draw in the dirt. They are good swimmers and use their trunks like snorkels. They live together in family groups. They help each

Comprehension questions
1. What kind of animal is reported in the text?
2. What is its brain like?
3. Mention its parts of the body as described in the text.
4. Which of the following descriptions is not correct?
a. Elephants can’t take flowers.
b. They can communicate well with their babies.
c. They are cooperative among others.
5. How do they sweep paths?
6. Who discovered that elephants have different types of calls they use for
7. Do elephants like to isolate themselves from other elephants? Why or why not?

Pengertian Report Text

Istilah report text sering juga dikenal dengan sebutan informational report. Report, dalam Concise Oxford Dictionary Edisi 10, diartikan sebagai 1) an account given of a matter after investigation or consideration. 2) a piece of information about an event or situation. Jika disimpulkan, secara bahasa report text adalah teks yang berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi tentang suatu peristiwa atau situasi, setelah diadakannya investigasi dan melalui berbagai pertimbangan.

Definisi report text ini juga hampir mirip dengan apa yang sering disebutkan dalam berbagai buku bahasa Inggris di tingkat menengah, "Report is a text which present information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analyses." [Report adalah sebuah teks yang menghadirkan informasi tentang suatu hal secara apa adanya. Teks ini adalah sebagai hasil dari observasi dan analisa secara sistematis.]

Dengan demikian, sebenarnya teks report dan descriptive mempunyai perbedaan yang cukup jelas, meski nampak keduanya dikatakan sebagai "saudara kembar" sekalipun.

Intinya, dalam report text itu biasanya berisi dengan fakta-fakta yang bisa dibuktikan secara ilmiah, Oke..

Generic Structure Report Text.

Seperti halnya dengan descriptive text, Report text juga hanya memiliki dua struktur umum [generic structure] yaitu : 
  1. General Clasification; Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya. 
  2. Description: tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors; Pada bagian ini biasanya memberikan gambaran fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi; baik bagian-bagiannya, sifat-sifatnya, kebiasaannya, ataupun tingkah lakunya. Intinya adalah penjabaran dari klasifikasi yang disajikan dengan ilmiah.
Tujuan Report Text

Setiap tulisan pasti memiliki tujuan mengapa tulisan itu ditulis. Begitu juga dengan report text. Beberapa pakar menyebutkan bahwa tujuan teks report adalah :

Its social purpose is presenting information about something. They generally describe an entire class of things, whether natural or made: mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, countries of region, culture, transportation, and so on. 

Jika disimpulkan, tujuan report text adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi hasil pengamatan dan analisa yang sistematis. Informasi yang dijelaskan dalam report text biasanya bersifat umum, baik itu alamiah ataupun buata seperti binatang mamalia, planet, bebatuan, tumbuh-tumbuhan, negara bagian, budaya, transportasi, dan lain sebagainya.

Contoh Procedure Text and Announcement

Imperative verbs Nouns/noun phrases Adverbs
Read the following text carefully. The text is about a procedure to make a cardboard photo frame.

How to Make a Cardboard Photo Frame

Equipment and materials needed:
Cardboard, paper, string, etc.
Sticky tape

1. Find a photo.
2. Measure up frames.
3. Cut out the first frame.
4. Cut out the second frame so that the first frame can fit on top without slipping
5. Make the third frame with the same overlap.
6. Paint the frame in different ways.
7. Attach a stand or handle.

Answer the following questions about the text above.

1. What do you need to make a cardboard photo frame?
2. What is the first step to make the frame?
3. What colours do you need to paint the frame?
4. What is the final step to make the frame?

Below are the steps to make instant fried noodle. They are not in the right order. Put them in the right order and use necessary words of sequences.

1. Take the noodle from the water and drain it.
2. Spread fried onion and the noodle is ready to serve.
3. Pour the seasoning, soy sauce, and chili powder into the noodle, and mix well.
4. Boil the noodle in two glasses of water and simmer for 3 minutes.
5. Put the noodle on a plate.

Read the following text carefully. How to catch a wave.
Here’s some advice for kids who are just learning how to surf.

1. Use a light, small, fiberglass board with a legrope and a wetsuit if it is cold
2. Find a safe, uncrowned spot on the beach. The water should not be too choppy  so that you  
    will get a clean ride.
3. Don’t go out too far if you haven’t surfed before
4. Wait until you see a small wave then lie on your surfboard. When the wave is close, start
    paddling furiously.
5. If you are more experienced, you could try kneeling on the board once you are on the wave.
6. The most important thing is to keep your balance or else you will end up falling off the boar!

Choose the word that is closest to the meaning of each of the words below as used in the text.

1. surf (verb)
a. drive a wave
b. ride on a wave
c. swim under a wave
2. wetsuit (noun)
a. T-shirt
b. trousers
c. rubber clothing

3. spot
a. place
b. area
c. pool

4. chopy
a. slippery
b. wide
c. small

5. paddle (verb)
a. swim
b. pull
c. drive

6. furiously
a. angrily
b. happily
c. sadly

State whether the following statement are true or false.

1. The steps written in the text are about learning to surf.
2. The steps are especially for beginners
3. The text would most probably be found in a manual.
4. A beginner is suggested to wear a wet suit when the weather is cold.
5. Water with rough waves cause a clean ride.
6. “To catch a wave” in the text means “to dive under a wave”.
7. Keeping the balance is the key word for successful surfing.

Work in pairs. Read the following announcement carefully and then answer the questions.

For students of grade IX

The school will hold several competitions in July. Please join.
For more information, contact Bambang at the Students Association office.

1. Whom does the school invite to join the competitions?
2. When will the school hold the competitions?
3. Whom do the students contact for more information?

Where do you most likely find the following signs?